Diritto & Internet

The Italian Data Protection Authority: rules regarding spam

An information handbook has been published on marketing and the consumer’s right to privacy.

The Italian Data Protection Authority has published: “UP WITH ADVICE, DOWN WITH SPAM. From phone to supermarket: privacy proof marketing”, a handbook on defence strategies to adopt against intrusive advertising, designed to inform the consumer and to urge companies to develop marketing strategies which respect user rights. Its contents describe the actions citizens can take to prevent their purchases from being spied on or to stop unwanted telephone marketing calls and SMSs. In addition there is an analysis of the problems relating to the techniques of persuasion used for phones, emails and social networks, and those relating to the operation of the Register of Objections. With regard to this the President of the Authority, Antonello Soro, hopes for “a rapid legislative review of the Register of Objections which would make consumer protection more incisive”.

In addition, the handbook sets out the rules necessary for conducting marketing activity that does not violate the rules of privacy and establishes a relationship of trust and listening to consumer needs. The Authority reminds that “respect for consumers and proper use of their personal data – from those needed to contact them to more sensitive information such as tastes and preferences –mark out companies who see their customers merely as “prey”, from those who choose to operate transparently, placing the emphasis of their business on both the quality of their products and services and the trust of their customers”.



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